1. ´Colegio Primitivo y Nacional de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
2. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Tutoring is a strategy to contribute to the development of skills and support students in solving academic problems; help in the promotion of their autonomy and comprehensive training, as well as contribute to improving their academic performance through adequate personalized and group guidance. In addition to implementing it in the educational center, it is important to evaluate it to know the perspective, progress and improvements for each school year, taking into account the needs of the student population. In the present, the results of a survey applied to 375 young people are presented to know their perception of the mentoring program of this cycle under the virtual modality due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the specific results show that: 74% consider that attending tutorials benefited their adaptation to academic life. Regarding whether the tutoring sessions have helped them to better understand the services that the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo provides to students, 87% consider that they met this objective. And on whether they consider that the activities aimed at integration (workshops, tutorials, etc.) are sufficient, 81% consider that they are. The above shows a general satisfaction with the sessions, schedules, the attention received, the topics, etc.
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