Proposal of Thematic Axes for the Model of Certification of Social and Labor Responsible Companies in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico


Navarrete-Reynoso Ramón1ORCID,Ramos-Estrada Cecilia1,Rodriguez-Lara Ricardo1,Lira-Torres Guillermo1


1. Universidad de Guanajuato


Introduction: This article presents a literature review for the proposal of the dimensions of the certification model known as “Company with Social and Labor Responsibility”, in the State of Guanajuato, Mexico. Method: Various national and international literature sources were analyzed on best practice in companies in labor and social matters, as well as other forms of certification for compa-nies in this field, in order to outline the body of knowledge of the investigation. Additionally, the concepts of Social Responsibility, Companies Social Responsibility (CSR), Environ-mental Responsibility, among others, they have been developed by various sources. Results: With this frame of reference of the investigation and taking into account the needs of the Subsecretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social; There were generated nine axles for the certification model "Company with Socio-Labor Responsibility", which respond to the cur-rent needs in matter of socio responsibility of the companies and the society of the State of Guanajuato, Mexico. Discussion or Conclusion: The nine guiding principles relate to the functional areas of the company, the staff working on it and the contact there of with the community in which it operates.



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