1. Universidad de Guanajuato
MSMEs are of vital importance to the Mexican economy, these comprise more than 99% of the total of Mexican companies, are the main generators of employment with more than 70% and generate 52% of the national GDP. Unfortunately, the lack of financing is one of the most important problems that origin a high business mortality, for example, 65% of micro and small businesses die before their fifth birthday and the average life expectancy is only 7.8 years. The objective of this research is to determine the impact of financing on the life expectancy of MSMEs in Mexico. Some results infer that the main source of financing of these businesses is not the financial institutions, on the contrary, they are the resources that their owners invest and the main impediment to not accessing external financing is the high interest rates. This study contributes to providing a broader perspective on the current conditions of MSMEs in order to improve public policies of access the financing for MSMEs to increase their competitiveness and permanence.
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