Production structure and commercialization of green vegetables in the valley of Tecamachalco, Puebla, Mexico




1. Universidad Tecnológica de Tecamachalco


In the current project we have the opportunity to show a study, at a regional level, in the state of Puebla, in the central highlands of Mexico, located in the Balsas Basin; belonging to the Rural Development District of Tecamachalco, Puebla. The object of the study were the vegetable producers, who were interviewed through a questionnaire addressed to 89 producers, to carry out the diagnosis of the production and commercialization of vegetables in the local, regional, state, national, and international market. Within the framework of the TMEC, current legislation requires producers to obtain different certifications to comply with each of the standards that exist in regulations, in national and international markets. Within the value chains, the main marketing channels are Huixcolotla and Iztapalapa’s Supply Centers, supermarkets, markets, street markets, and exportations, which prevails in a regional and local market. The field study was carried out in 2021 in the municipalities of Tecamachalco and Palmar de Bravo; the technique was the interview, and the instrument was a questionnaire.




Pharmacology (medical)

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