1. Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila
The research approach of this article was to observe which were the main differences of opinions between the groups and their learning styles, the methodology used was quantitative, observational, descriptive and comparative. A standardized ILP-R instrument was used, evaluates four complementary dimensions related to learning styles and processes in academic study that we will comment on later: (Deep Processing, Methodical Study, Retention of Facts and Elaborative Processing).with a sample of 1412 university students; the statistical analyzes that were carried out were descriptive and comparative. The main conclusion of the study is that students with an average of 90 percent develop an interest in continuing to learn and discover not only academically but personally, they are more expressive to people, they tend to make minimum mistakes because they have confidence in everything they do, Likewise, if the student works while studies , that provides an ability to relate to others, but dedicating solely to study allows more space to enjoy daily learning and full dedication to academic growth.