1. Escuela Normal Superior Oficial de Guanajuato
This article presents the results of a mixed empirical study with a cross-sectional design, of a descriptive type, the purpose of which is to know the conditions, processes and student perceptions regarding distance education with the use of digital media carried out in the situation of confinement due to the pandemic of COVID-19. 208 undergraduate students in several majors in high school teaching participated. A questionnaire with open-ended and multiple-choice questions was used. Based on the findings, it is noted that the digital divide is present in an important way; the learners that are “digital natives” present opportunities for improvement in the use of digital media for study and work purposes. The shift to distance mode had a predominantly adverse effect; however, in several cases, it represented an opportunity for personal and professional development. The distance work experience is mostly valued as “not great” (40.5%) and “good” (33%), and the attention given to particular situations that affected student achievement as “good” (53%) and “not great” (22%). The article’s main proposals for improvement are: a) on the part of teachers more and better communication with the learners, commitment and organization of work, as well as sensitivity to understand situations that exceed student possibilities; b) at the institutional level, training in the use of digital media for teachers and students, and unification of the type of work platform. Student commitments focus on greater enthusiasm and responsibility for work.
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