1. Universidad Autónoma de Campeche
The Universidad Autónoma de Campeche (UAC), in response to the sanitary measures due to the COVID-19 confinement and in order to reinforce its educational programs through online courses, joined the "Coursera for Campus" (CfC) program. This research presents the results of a comparative analysis between the educational offer offered by CfC and its relationship with the educational programs of the UAC. The results of the educational programs are presented classified by Department of Higher Education. The area with the greatest impact is Business, with 42 courses related to 12 educational programs, and Health with 37 courses that impact 7 educational programs. CfC's Language Learning area impacts all educational programs, since all of them consider the learning of a second language. It is also worth mentioning the courses in the Social Sciences area, which benefited 24 educational programs, as they are related to some of their Learning Units.
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