1. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Human resources is a key point for organizations, the correlation of job satisfaction and organizational climate are important indicators. There are numerous studies that evaluate student satisfaction by referring to physical education; However, few studies focus on the satisfaction of the physical climate of the physical education teacher, which is a factor that impacts educational quality. For this reason, the objective of this study is to evaluate the satisfaction of the organizational climate of physical education teachers in the upper middle level. A descriptive-correlational study, of transversal type, is presented. The "Questionnaire for the analysis of the perception of the satisfaction of the working environment in organizations" was used for data collection. The study participants were 43 professors who teach the subject of physical culture and health of the upper middle level of the UANL. Among the most significant results, there is a high satisfaction (70%) determined by the physical conditions of the job; in relation to the sports equipment available for carrying out activities, the satisfaction was of acceptable level (55%) but not high as expected; When making a correlation with the organizational climate, we observe that the indicators of teamwork, communication and distribution of workloads are at a medium level (46%), influenced by the low participation of workers in cultural and recreational activities. In conclusion, sports managers must have as an important factor the satisfaction of the organizational climate. Our results agree that managers must promote synergy among workers of all levels that encourages greater satisfaction of the organizational climate.
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