1. Escuela Normal Rural “Gral. Matías Ramos Santos”
This paper is an article that emerges from a more general educational research work. It corresponds to the paradigm of qualitative research and action research type. It is developed in the context of primary education with first graders. Its main objective is to know the implications of the knowledge of the mathematical and didactic content in the teaching of the notion of the number, to have the necessary tools to apply an appropriate methodology for its construction. The methodology corresponds to didactic engineering. It considers a previous inquiry about research related to the topic being addressed. They are analyzed from the theoretical and methodological aspect based on central ideas of important authors for this subject of study, which in turn contrasts with the results obtained. The final results and conclusions highlight that the teacher's preparation in the conceptual and didactic implications is a fundamental basis for the construction of the number: conceptually, the terms and principles related to the cognitive operations of classification and seriation; didactically, corresponds to the formulation of problem situations, oriented to an interaction of moments and didactic relationships. All this, carried out according to the moments of didactic engineering.
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