1. Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
This article analyzes the diagnosis of the implementation of the regulations of Higher Secondary Education for access and permanence to the National Baccalaureate System (SNB) in the schools of the Baccalaureate School of Chiapas (COBACH). To this end, the context in which the Integral Reform of Higher Secondary Education was implemented in the COBACH campuses was also characterized, as well as the strengths and areas of opportunity of the policies and management implemented by the COBACH Central Administration to promote the SBN. For the investigation, the descriptive method was used, which starts from the systemic analysis of the past to explain contemporary events; while the educational public policy and structure of the SNB was studied with the formal-legal method. Empirical methods and techniques were also used for documentary analysis, as well as techniques and instruments for quantitative and qualitative data collection. The research sought to provide academic elements to the authorities and staff of COBACH, which allow decision making in their accreditation processes, as well as the training of human resources in the process of their training.
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