Higher Education Institutions in Mexico and their participation in the Social and Solidarity Economy


Sosa-Larrainzar EvelynORCID,Biviano-Pérez EmmaORCID,García-Sánchez Avelina,Avelino-Tepanecatl María de Lourdes


Interesting is the participation of education in the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESyS), fundamentally of the higher level, as a key piece of action with society. Mexico has a little more than 5,334 university schools, 6 states concentrate 42.8% of HEIs, Puebla is located as the third entity with the largest number of universities with just over 480 university campuses, after Mexico City and the Mexico state. The objective of this research work is to analyze that Higher Education Institutions (IES) of the public or private sphere, in Mexico, contemplate in their academic offer Study Programs (PE) to the ESyS, which emerges at local, regional, national level and global as the Third Sector, considering the cooperatives, whose presence in Mexico was in the year of 1873, when the first production cooperative emerged. The research is documentary theorist. Results: in Mexico, .14% of studies in ESyS or some variant are offered: four undergraduate degrees, one in open and distance mode; in postgraduates: three Masters and an Inter-institutional Doctorate (in which two HEIs participate). Therefore, the academic offer in Mexican territory in ESyS does not get 1%, insufficient to support cooperatives, some with state and national recognition. The proposal is that this type of educational offer be carried out in each federal entity of Mexico, to reinforce cooperatives, organizations with contributions in the economy of this country from the educational field.




General Medicine

Reference18 articles.

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