Study of integral logistics in a geological and petrographic laboratory, in the southeast region of Mexico, for the proposal of an integral model
Container-title:ECORFAN Journal Republic of Paraguay
Pérez-Garmendia Gloria1ORCID, Zapata-Dittrich Abel1ORCID, Balderrabano-Briones Jazmín1ORCID, Hernández-Zurita Pamela1ORCID
1. Tecnológico Nacional de México
For organizations to have the growth that the global economy demands, they must bet on improvement alternatives that fully involve the entire system. One of these alternatives is to bet on the improvement of integral logistics, since it serves as a connection between production and markets. This research proposes the generation of a model for the improvement of the logistics system in a geological and petrographic laboratory, in the southeaster region of Mexico, with the sole purpose of adding value and providing alternative solutions to current or future problems that arise. It is also proposed to design an instrument that measures the current situation in logistics and provides a comprehensive scenario that serves as a starting point for improvement strategies. This instrument is created tailored to the company and introduces intangible aspects called factors so that with the help of the Likert scale they are transformed into qualitative values, and thus carefully visualize the study problem. The entire study is analysed and interpreted by the researcher, and with the help of the company's experts, it is considered to obtain reliable and secure information.
General Engineering
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