1. Tecnológico Nacional de México – Campus Villahermosa
Productivity is one of the paths that a company must take to achieve its objectives, goals and purposes, working effectively and efficiently. To achieve a culture of measurement, it is important to perform a productivity analysis, which will help to obtain adequate information to create development recommendations in the near future. This work provides information on the results obtained from a productivity measurement study in a sample of companies in the printing industry, in Villahermosa Tabasco, which helps to understand and adapt business needs within the cultural, environmental, technological, economic and political variables. To carry out this study, a measurement instrument has been used that obtains specific information on the elements that an organization must have for the development of productivity, this tool is called Comprehensive Productivity Assessment Technique (TIEP), the which will give us results that serve to generate a model for improving productivity, which will be of great help for the growth of this business sector with positive results that bring benefits to the region and society.
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