1. Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas
This research constitutes a response to the current need to contribute to the formation of the responsibility value of the 7th grade students of the ESBU: "Desembarco del Granma". Starting from the determination of the problematic situation, choral singing actions are elaborated with different periods, indications and ways of realization that intertwine their implementation with technical-formative elements, as well as general considerations addressed to the selected students. Research methods are used for the theoretical and methodological study with international and national authors in relation to the subject in question, which allow assuming scientific positions and empirical methods were applied for the initial diagnosis. The proposal is implemented in 150 students; it will be evaluated by 5 specialists. The evaluation of the results in practice will be carried out through the application of observation, together with the systematization of experiential experiences, which, when contrasted, will be consistent and will allow confirming the need and effectiveness of choral singing actions, a significant contribution in the practice, with social relevance and scientific novelty, which makes it relevant for the contribution to the formation of the responsibility value of the 7th grade students of the ESBU: "Desembarco del Granma".
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