The Tourism Area Life Cycle model is in itself one of the most used tools to analyze tourist competitiveness. In order to solve the problem of the lack of a comprehensive tourism strategy in the city of San Miguel de Allende that can comply with sustainable development, this research establishes its objective in the documentary analysis of the evolution of the tourism indicators that it has presented in destination for its analysis and comparison with the model of the Tourism Area Life Cycle model, identifying in the corresponding stage and thereby establishing relevant tourism planning strategies. The document was developed with a descriptive quantitative approach that used documentary review and analysis techniques of various tourist indicators of the destination. In conclusion, it is highlighted that the city of San Miguel de Allende has individual indicators in various stages of the life cycle: Development, Consolidation, and Decline; globally, it has been in the Stagnation stage since 2015 with prominent features of Decline and Rejuvenation. This results in an obvious need to define sustainable tourism management strategies to boost the destination's competitiveness effectively.
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