Sistema de extraccion y tratamiento de metano


Cantú-Munguía Irma Adriana1ORCID,Garay-De La O Albino1ORCID,Garciabada-Silva Gabriel1ORCID,Hernández-Cervantes Aldo Aarón1


1. Instituto Tecnológico de Jalisco José Mario Molina Pasquel y Enriquez


Currently sanitary landfills are considered sources of atmospheric pollutants. Biogas, a product of the biological decomposition of organic waste, incorporates mostly methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), which are greenhouse gases. A large number of municipal sanitary landfills do not have control over methane gas emissions to the surface. This project is based on the construction of a portable prototype system for the extraction and treatment of methane gas from landfills. The objective was to manufacture and build a portable prototype system for the extraction and treatment of methane gas from municipal sanitary landfills. That it implements the necessary sections and devices to treat the gas and in this way facilitate its later use as fuel in heating systems, domestic use and / or internal and external combustion thermal machines. Using for this purpose a system of gas extraction, separation of solids, de-humidification and desulphurisation process. In the system variables such as the percentage of methane, temperature and humidity are monitored, in order to give a stability to the gas treatment process.



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