1. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
2. Universidad Tecnológica de Puebla
3. Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
Although universal access to higher education has increased in recent decades, higher education faces a major dropout and failure problem, several authors claim that study habits are an important factor in academic performance. Objective: To analyze the study habits of the students of the Institutions of Higher Education that make up the Network of Tutorials of the Central-South Region of ANUIES, with the purpose that this research serves for decision-making, strategies and development of materials. academics. Methodology: A quantitative analysis was used as a research method, the study was of a descriptive, cross-sectional and comparative type between students with high and low performance of the HEIs of the Network; A total of 4995 students participated and were identified through the application of the Study Activities Questionnaire (C.A.E.). Results and Conclusion: In this investigation, after the analysis of the 10 dimensions, it was shown that study habits and personal habits are essential for students to obtain an optimal level of academic performance, so that HEIs can generate actions early, to avoid school dropout.