Evaluation of dehydration parameters of habanero chili (Capsicum chinense jacq.) by tray method, for the conservation of seasonal fruits


Gutierrez-Peña Esteban1ORCID,Rendon-Sandoval Leticia1ORCID,Llanillo-Navales Jesus Gerardo1ORCID,Marin-Ramos Martha1ORCID


1. nstituto Tecnológico Superior de Huatusco


Dehydration is a food preservation procedure that, by eliminating all free water from it, prevents microbial activity and reduces enzymatic activity, which allows us to give the dehydrated product a long shelf life. This project aims to find the optimal parameters of dehydration in which the data is easy to use for the control of the shelf life of habanero chili, this being a simplified method that allows the producer to adapt techniques to guarantee the commercialization of their product. Due to its high degree of pungency or itching, it has a variety of uses in the food industry, its national average yield of habanero pepper is around 12 (Ton / ha) (Inforural, 2020).




Applied Mathematics

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