1. Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica
2. Universidad Veracruzana
In Mexico, the Legal System contemplates a broad set of agencies responsible to the justice imparting, therefore for its management it is necessary to have a systemic model that allows to contribute, in a more adequate way, to the entire set of subsystems; in such a way that the institutions responsible to administering justice are capable of accurately and expeditiously determining the results and conclusions in the areas responsible to the administration of justice. The implementation and application of models with a systemic approach, such as Viable Systems Models, allow us to respond to many problems at different integrated levels of abstraction of sociotechnical systems, such as those responsible to justice administration in Mexico. This research work purpose is to design a Viable Model for the Mexican Legal System, which will allow to provide justice delivery systems with a tool that streamlines, and facilitates the management, control and handling of the information used in the National Legal System. The systems approach application in the design of viable systems allows to unite different expert’s views to give a comprehensive response to the analyzed cases.
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