1. Universidad Tecnológica de San Luis Potosí
This document presents the results obtained from the application of the law of Lens to correctly identify the polarity of the windings in a three-phase motor with 6 exposed terminals, when the corresponding labeling is not in any situation; Prior to identifying the polarity, it should be considered to have the pairs of the three windings located. For the polarity, it is proposed to feed with a voltage of 12 Vrms to one of the windings, which are identified randomly as W1 and W2, where W1 is connected to the voltage phase of 12 Vrms of the signal and W2 to the voltage reference to 0V; by means of voltage induction and considering the law of Lens, the remaining 4 terminals can be identified and labeled as V1, V2, U1 and U2. For this process a microcontroller and control elements with low cost are used.
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