1. Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the cell phone has become an essential element for daily life because thanks to its various functions, applications and updates, they have made our day-to-day activities become simple to carry out, since carry out an agenda, until you find information quickly saving a trip to the nearest library. This article has as main objective to expose the uses, whether personal or academic, of the cell phone, how this can give way to excessive abuse of the same and the consequences that can cause the abuse of it, of which there is excessive dependence on said device, causing anxiety and / or despair when performing tasks or when the cell phone is not at hand. In Zacatecas, Mexico, it has been proven that 80% of car accidents are caused by using the cell phone while driving a car, thus displacing the use of alcohol and other massive substances for health, in addition, it is proven that Talking on a mobile phone when driving, increases the chances of causing a road accident up to five times and absorbs from eight to thirteen seconds of distraction on average answers a call or writes a message through the cell phone. In conclusion, the use of the cell phone has benefits, both personal and academic or work, although it is also important to instill road education in adolescents, from home and even in the same institutions that are more likely to be victims of an accident to Cause of excessive cell phone abuse.
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