1. Universidad Autónoma del Carmen, Facultad de Ingeniería y tecnología
This work shows the mathematical modeling of the non-linear system of an Acrobot on a car, which consist in a planar rotational mechanism with two joints of revolute, with an actuator in the elbow, but without actuator in the shoulder through the classical Euler-Lagrange method. In addition, a robust control strategies is proposed to achieve the attitude stabilization of the inverted position of Acrobot on a car in a non-inertial physical framework, these include reactions forces and relative motions which can potentially alter the performance of the system. The algorithm proposed is the Adaptive Sliding Modes Control (ASMC), which alters the dynamic of a non-linear system applying a discontinuous control signal that forces the system to “slide” until reaching the desired stability point, whose the main advantage is reject modeling uncertainties and non-linear effects , which result from the accelerated framework of reference to which Acrobot on a car. Implementing a scheme by numerical simulations in the platform Simulink.