1. Universidad de Guadalajara
In order to observe the differences between substrates in the production of Yahualica chili pepper (Capsicum annuum) seedling and plant, in the field and greenhouse at the University Center of Cs. Biological and Agricultural of the University of Guadalajara, this investigation was carried out, where six substrates were evaluated: Promix-GLX, Promix-FLX, Sunshine-3, Berger-BN2, Germinaza and 50% Germinaza + 50% Earthworm Humus. In seedlings, the following were evaluated: Emergence Speed, Emergence Percentage, Stem Thickness, Seedling Length, Number of Leaves, Fresh Weight Aerial Part, Fresh Weight root, aerial part dry weight and root dry weight, and during plant development in field and greenhouse: Plant height, and Fresh weight of ripe fruit. Significant differences were found between treatments (P≤0.05) in the seedling and plant quality variables. Consequently with the mixture of 50% Germinaza + 50% Earthworm Humus, Berger BN2 and Sunshine 3, the best seedling quality was obtained. And moreover the best plant development was observed in the greenhouse, with an average plant height of 139 cm and a fresh fruit yield of 651 g. When germinaza was combined with earthworm humus (50:50), the results were significant to obtain vigorous plants, high percentage of emergence.
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