A proposal of strategies to promote study habits in virtual learning objects


Arredondo-Salcedo Daniel1ORCID,Mireles-Medina Antonia1ORCID,Molina-Wong Ma. Refugio1ORCID


1. Instituto Tecnológico Superior Zacatecas Norte


The recent events produced by the global pandemic COVID-19 have conclusively demonstrated the need to strengthen various learning mechanisms, including e-learning and self-learning, and the adaptation of the use of technology as a fundamental tool in the teaching process. -learning. The objective of this article is to propose strategies to promote study habits in the development of virtual learning objects (VLO), by including a catalog of suggested techniques for strengthening time distribution, reading optimization and exam preparation, encapsulated and standardized with SCORM and reusable in various e-learning platforms. Our contribution is to collect and adapt study habits techniques in a methodology for the development of virtual learning objects




General Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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