1. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
The objective of this work is to identify the relationship between the variables of the hardiness and those of approximation of coping in sport. The sample is made up of 42 selected national athletes, with experience in world championships of their sport, 23 men (54.8%) and 19 women (45.2%), the age ranged from 16 to 54 years, M = 22.67 and SD = 7.64. The methodology used is cross-sectional, empirical, associative and simple correlation, descriptive and reliability analyses, in addition to correlations. The instruments used were the hardiness Questionnaire in Central American and Caribbean Athletes and the Approach to Coping in Sport Questionnaire. The results, adequate reliability in the instruments and a correlation value of r = .584 (p < .05). The conclusion confirms the existence of a positive and significant correlation between the variable of hardiness control and mental withdrawal of coping approach in sport.