1. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango
Objective: To present the result obtained from the evaluation of a workshop on social skills for professional practices in students of Psychology and Human Communication Therapy within the Community Services Center at the Faculty of Psychology and Human Communication Therapy belonging to the Juárez University of the State of Durango. Methodology: Mixed in a sequential explanatory design (DEXPLIS), through the statistical analysis of a constant sample from the results obtained in the social skills scale tests (Gismero), EMES-C and EMES-M in three different moments using the IBM SPSS®, applying the bifactorial analysis of variance by ranges or Friedman's test. Contribution: Achieve a correct interpretation of the results from the established hypothesis, paying attention to the particularities of the professional work, seeking that the student of Psychology and Human Communication Therapy near to graduate has a repertoire of competent social skills, that contribute to efficient professional performance and personal fulfillment, as well as the development of positive attitudes and the reduction of emotional exhaustion.
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