1. Universidad Veracruzana
The use of orthodontic treatments in patients with temporary prostheses has been increasing, the purpose of this in vitro research is to measure the adhesive bond strength between orthodontic resin and acrylic surfaces by applying different procedures. Objective. To compare the adhesive bonding strength between orthodontic resin and acrylic surfaces under different application protocols. Methodology. Transversal, experimental, prospective study. In vitro with acrylic provisions, was carried out in the laboratory of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidad Veracruzana region of Veracruz. In the period of February-June of the year 2019. The sample was conformed by two control groups of specimens and four experimental ones, each group conformed by 20 specimens, in total 120 provisional ones were made in acrylic Nic Tone of quick self-cure. The tests performed by the ULTRATESTER machine were expressed in MPa. Later, the data obtained were processed in Excel tables (version) for statistical processing in SPSS version 24. Contribution. When comparing the pre-cutting protocol of acrylic surfaces with fine diamond bur and the protocol without pre-cutting, no statistically significant differences were found, therefore, this step could be omitted in clinical practice.
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