Anxiety and depression and their correlation between mild cognitive impairment and Mini-Mental impairment in older adults


AVALOS-CHAVEZ Selena Guadalupe1,ONTIVEROS-VARGAS Ángel Adrián1,SOTO-RIVERA Jesús Abraham1,SALAS-NAME Sagrario Lizeth1


1. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango


In people older than 65 years, depression affects quality of life; depressed older adults generally have more anxiety. Objective: To determine mood states and their relationship with mild cognitive impairment in older adults. In the present investigation, depression was evaluated by means of the Beck Test, anxiety by means of the Hamiliton Test and cognitive deterioration by means of Mini Mental to 10 participants of the "Geronto Geriatrics" center of the State of Durango. Methodology: This is a quantitative, exploratory, non-experimental, observational and cross-sectional study with descriptive and correlational statistical analysis. Contribution: Chronbach's alpha of the analyzed data refers that the higher the anxiety and depression, the higher the prevalence of mild cognitive impairment with a moderate positive significance. The correlation between anxiety and neurocognitive functions was significant r = .50 with p = .55 with 95% reliability. And the correlation between depression and neurocognitive functions with an r = .40, with p = .15 with 95% reliability. The high frequency of the incidence of anxiety in the sample studied plus the significant correlation suggest the need to implement programs to address anxiety and depression in adulthood.




Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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