Reflexión sobre la incidencia de síndromes dolorosos en alumnos de V cuatrimestre de terapia física de la Universidad Politécnica de Amozoc


Soriano-Porras Dulce María1ORCID,Reyes-Sánchez Dulce María1ORCID,Clila-Luna Alma Belén1ORCID,Apan-Araujo Karla1ORCID


1. Universidad Politécnica de Amozoc


University of Amozoc of the Bachelor of Physical Therapy during their first and second cycle of training take theoretical subjects, so they stay in the classroom for approximately 6-10 hours for 5 days. of the week, at this time they adopt prolonged and incorrect positions, in addition to this, presenting postural alterations in different anatomical areas, in addition to a BMI that in 48% of the sample indicates overweight and obesity, on the other hand despite having knowledge of the norms of postural hygiene due to the discipline of study these are not applied applications so the objective of this research is to test the relationship between the factors of poor body hygiene, with the appearance of Painful Syndromes, through the evaluation of posture , application of the Nordic musculoskeletal instrument and postural habits to students for the early detection of es t is possible to alter actions that in the future cannot impact in the context of their activities due to the presence of musculoskeletal injuries, for this reason the importance of developing preventive programs implemented at school aimed at postural education is retaken.









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