La modalidad mixta una alternativa de continuidad de estudios para egresados inmersos en el campo laboral


Dominguez-Gutu Jesús1ORCID,Gordillo-Espinoza Emmanuel1ORCID,Constantino-González Fernando Exiquio1ORCID


1. Universidad Tecnológica de la Selva


The mixed methodology (Blended Learning) seeks to implement the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to provide studies of Technological Higher Education to people who are immersed in the labor market. This modality was implemented for the first time at the Universidad Tecnologica La Selva, located in the city of Ocosingo, Chiapas, for the educational program of Information Technology Engineering. This research focused on knowing the perception of the students who pursued their professional career under this modality and who are currently employed, the study was carried out under a non-experimental quantitative approach with descriptive transactional design, which evaluated the educational platform used, the teachers and the study modality. A survey with closed questions under the Likert scale and an open question for suggestions that allowed improving this modality were used as an information collection tool. The results show that for students who are immersed in the labor field, blended learning is excellent to continue with their professional studies since they can manage their time, moreover, they hope to improve their professional performance as well as their economic conditions when getting a professional engineering degree.



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