1. Universidad Tecnológica de León
The objective of this research is to analyze the statistical data issued by INEGI (2022), where the MSMEs that were born are shown, those that closed their doors permanently and those that survived the financial pandemic by COVID-19, the methodology used is quantitative research, because it searches for and analyzes data issued by reliable sources, The companies under study had more changes and hit the economy much more than large companies, due to the high representation and job creation that occurred during the pandemic , resulting in a birth of MSMEs of 12%, against a closure represented in percentage by 12% similar and equal to the companies created during the pandemic, this type of company had as its main survival strategy, the adaptation of technological and digital aspects in their daily operation, was the resource that they highlight was used by the managers of this type of company. It is concluded that micro, small and medium enterprises in Mexico are the economic engine of the Mexican economy during and after the COVID pandemic.
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