1. Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora
Higher Education Institutions must contribute to the creation of equitable, fair and better cultural models, which will contribute to the development of an equal society of men and women. Faced with this priority, the higher education institution in southern Sonora, Mexico, conducted studies to understand the gender equality relations of the teaching staff and generate intervention strategies to guarantee a democratic and inclusive space, attached to human rights for all people. The results obtained from the Gender Diagnosis project are retaken, focusing on academic staff, which is why the question is posed: What is the gender equity relationship of academic staff in relation to satisfaction with personal development, job recognition, Discrimination, Exclusion / Inclusion, Justice of processes and Equity of the educational Institution ?, being its objective to carry out a characterization by gender of the academic staff to know the relations of equity and generate intervention strategies to guarantee a democratic and inclusive space, attached to human rights for everybody. It is concluded that there are differences by gender in aspects such as equal opportunities to hierarchical positions, cases of exclusion and discrimination in projects and academic activities.