1. Universidad Xicotepetl A.C
The demand for chiltepín is increasing, since in addition to the traditional sale of fresh and dried fruit in the street and regional markets, there is also the commercialization of derived products such as pickles, sauces and dehydrated products in chain stores, the market is supplied by the collection of wild fruits. This has made harvesting intense and aggressive, because collectors cut productive branches or the entire plant in order to harvest a larger quantity, limiting its possibilities for regeneration. Therefore, it is proposed to improve the germination of chiltepín seeds and to evaluate the obtaining of good quality seedlings through substrate mixtures and application of gibberellic acid (AG3) at 400 parts per million (ppm). The results of the research indicate that at seven days treatments 4, 3, 7 and 8 differ significantly from the other treatments, while by day 31 treatments 1, 7 and 8 are significantly different from the others, with a significance of 95%; for the number of roots the best treatment was T1 for the evaluation on day 31 after planting (dds).
Reference8 articles.
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