1. Instituto Politécnico Nacional
The objective was to analyze information technology factors such as WhatsApp, Instagram and the website, among other strategies in micro-enterprises in Mexico City during the COVID-19 pandemic to study their informality and become formal. The methodology consisted of the application of an online survey to collect data from 147 microenterprises in Mexico City for the development of a logistic regression. The descriptive results show that the MiPymes affected by the COVID-19 crisis have a high awareness of social networks and have a greater intention to adopt them to market their products. With the findings found, the following is contributed to science: WhatsApp, use of WhatsApp for product promotion, website and Instagram have a probability of 65.4%, 63.33%, 39% and 10.2% that companies become formal. The study is original for analyzing the use of social networks during the health crisis in MiPymes. It is concluded that government support for MiPymes is necessary through services that facilitate facing the difficulties caused by the pandemic.