1. Aitchison, C.U. (1983). Treaties, Engagement & Sanads Volume XII, reprint, Delhi.
2. Allan R. Tippet (1987), Introduction to Missiology, William Carrey Library, p.287.
3. Carey, Bertram S. and Tuck, H.N. (1986), The Chin Hills: A history of the people, our dealing with Them, Their Customs and Manners. And Gazetteer of the country, Vol.1, 2 Vols, p.2.
4. Chatterji, N (1975). Zawlbuk as a Social Institution in the Mizo Society, Aizawl,Tribal Research Institute, p.15.
5. Das. J. N (Ed.), (1990). A Study of the Land System of Mizoram: Guwahati. p.14.