1. 1) Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan, Abura-Osen-Taisaku-Guideline, (2006) .
2. 2) Geo-environment Protection Center, Heisei-20-Nenndo-Dojyo-Osenn-niyoru-Seitaikei·Seikatsu-Kankyo-eno-Eikyou-oyobi-Abura-Osenn-niyoru-Dojyo-Osenntou-Chyousa-Gyoumu-Houkokusyo, (2009) .
3. 3) Report of Special Research from the National Institute Environmental Studies, Japan, (1995) , SR-19-'95.
4. 4) Report of Special Research from the National Institute Environmental Studies, Japan, (1999) , SR-29-'99.
5. In Vitro Bioassay System Closely Related to Whole Body Toxicity.