1. 1) A. Griffin and G. Becker: Bulong Nickel Operations Post Commissioning, ALTA Nickel/Cobalt Conference, (Perth, Australia, 15-18 May 2000).
2. 2) T. Kindred: Cawse Nickel Operations Process Description and Production Ramp Up, ALTA Nickel/Cobalt Conference, (Perth, Australia, 15-18 May 2000).
3. 3) F. Campbell, et al.: Startup and Reliability of Nickel Laterite Plant, Int. Laterite Sympo. 2004, Ed. W.P. Imrie et al., TMS, pp.25-41.
4. 4) N. Tsuchida et al.: Development of Process Design for Coral Bay Nickel Project, Int. Laterite Sympo. 2004, Ed. W.P. Imrie et al., TMS, pp.151-160.
5. 5) C.J. Czerny and B. Whittington: An Investigation of Autoclave Scales Formed in Commercial Nickel Laterite Pressure Acid Leaching Operations, ALTA Nickel/Cobalt Conference, (Perth, Australia, 15-18 May 2000).