1. 安藤圭一(1950) 三宅島に於けるアワヨトウの異常発生について.応用昆虫6:132.[Ando, K.(1950) On the outbreak of armyworm in Miyake island. Oyo-Kontyu 6:132.]
2. 青森県病害虫防除所(2017) アワヨトウ幼虫の発生状況.平成29年畑作・野菜病害虫防除指導情報 第10号.青森県病害虫防除所,青森.3 pp.[Aomori Prefectural Pest Control Office(2017) “Occurrence of armyworms in Aomori Prefecture.” Guiding Information on Pest Control for Upland Farming and Vegetable Crop 2017. Vol. 10. Aomori Prefectural Pest Control Office, Aomori. 3 pp.]
3. 朝比奈正二郎・鶴岡保明(1969) 南方定点観測船に飛来した昆虫類.第3報.昆蟲37:290–304.[Asahina, S. and Y. Turuoka(1969) Records of the insects visited a weather-ship located at the Ocean Weather Station “Tango” on the Pacific, III. Kontyu 37:290–304.]
4. 朝比奈正二郎・鶴岡保明(1970) 南方定点観測船に飛来した昆虫類.第5報.1968年度の飛来昆虫類.昆蟲38:318–330.[Asahina, S. and Y. Turuoka(1970) Records of the insects visited a weather-ship located at the Ocean Weather Station “Tango” on the Pacific, V. Insects captured during 1968. Kontyu 38:318–330.]
5. Chen, R. L., C. S. Leo, T. Y. Liu, M. C. Li and N. Y. Sien(1965) Studies on the source of the early spring generation of the armyworm, Leucania separata Walker in the Kirin Province. II. Studies on the original ground of the immigrant moths. Acta Phytophyl. Sinica 4:49–58.