Analisis Kebisingan Kawasan Permukiman di Sepanjang Frontage Road A. Yani Surabaya


Nurmaningsih Dyah Ratri,Auvaria Shinfi Wazna,Nilandita Widya


Surabaya city is one of the cities in Indonesia which has the most advanced development in various fields, such as economy, education and transportation. Rapid city development has positive and negative impacts. Positive impact such as high technology from various infrastructures for transportation, health, education, entertainment and others that support the daily activities of Surabaya people. The negative impact is the declining quality of the environment, which can cause health problems and community discomfort. The research method uses quantitative descriptive methods. This study analyzes the noise caused by traffic that occurs in residential areas along the frontage road A.Yani Surabaya (Menanggal I, Jemur Gayungan I and Jemur Wonosari Masjid Alley). Noise level values was measured using sound level meter and analyzed using a statistical formula. The results showed the value of the noise level in daytime activity (LS) in Menanggal I settlement was 79.96 dB (A), Jemur Gayungan I settlement was 80.28 dB (A) and Jemur Wonosari Mosque mosque settlement was 78.44 dB ( A), and have exceeded the quality standard. Noise control can be done with vegetation barriers at noise sources, settlements and along the frontage road. Reduction of noise level can be done by replacement of wall materials with glass or a combination of glass and brick, as well as a combination design in the interior of the room by adding gypsum board material to the ceiling and room dividers.


Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UINSA

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