Dorosh O.,Dorosh A.,Tarnopolskyi A.
Some aspects of the use of community resources were studied. It was determined that it is impractical to be limited exclusively to financial or land resources, it is necessary to cover the entire resource complex of the community within the framework of the study. It was established that community resources require identification, description, analysis, classification, evaluation and planning of their rational use. Community resources are classified with a basic division into land, natural and other community resources.
The need to develop a Program for the rational use and protection of land, natural and other community resources as an effective tool for identification, descriptions, analysis, classification, evaluation and use planning of community resources is substantiated. It was established that as a result of the assessment of the community's resources, it is possible to adjust the measures provided by the territorial community's development strategy, because the management of land-resource (land-property) complexes at any level has a strategic nature and must be tied to the territorial community's development strategy. It was found that an effective means to achieve this is the use of an automated system of accounting and management of land-resource (land-property) complexes of territorial communities, the creation of which should take into account the peculiarities and needs of communities.
It is noted that in the framework of the development of an inclusive economy, it is necessary to involve the residents of the community in public goods, in particular, in the use of resources and their management, because the effective use of resources is achieved in the cooperation of local residents and local self-government bodies, and one of the tools is the involvement of residents in the use of resources or their management , is conducting surveys of community residents with the aim of forming strategic goals and measures for community development.
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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