The area of improving the quality of the formation of mixtures upon mixing in the food industry is relevant since the improvement of technology and equipment for processing components by various methods, nature, and degree of influence is practically achievable for their improvement. The purpose of this study was to improve the design parameters and increase the efficiency of the mixer by creating conditions that will ensure the optimisation of the dissolution kinetics of a dispersed mixture of flour and liquid components during their pseudo-mixing in a suspended state. This study considered the properties of raw materials based on methods for determining their quality, laboratory methods and tools for conducting research were proposed with the established planning methodology with analysis of the results obtained, and the Flow Vision software package was used in plotting based on the laws of thermodynamics. The experimental data set was processed using a mathematical description of the process of forming the liquid flow and the dispersed flow of flour particles. The study used an incomplete multivariate model of the approximation of the experimental data of the function of three variables in the form of polynomials according to the three-level Box-Behnken plan with 13 experiments performed in 5-fold repetition. Periodic mixers were analysed, and the redistribution and transformation of deformations under optimal mixing modes was considered. The interaction of components and their flow dynamics while minimising energy consumption was established. The authors determined the influence of fluidisation and vibration during the dosing period of the components on the intensification of the interaction of the dispersed phase according to the principle of discrete-pulse energy input, which creates rapid changes in the movement of the components. The functional dependence of the uniformity of the formation of bubbles of the medium on three factors υt=f(h, V, υс) was obtained with the verification of the homogeneity of dispersions, the adequacy of the obtained functional dependence and the search for its optimum. The materials considered in this paper represent the practical value of the effective process of uniform distribution of recipe components in the working chamber of the mixer design under study, with the creation of favourable conditions for the formation of the foam structure
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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