The issue of land use plays an important role in shaping Ukraine’s economy. Therefore, the study of the market for agricultural land is a high priority and relevant to legal doctrine, as this issue directly affects the national security of the state, because it involves control over the risks that may arise conditioned upon the high concentration of areas agricultural land owned by one person, uncontrolled acquisition of land by foreigners, and partial monopolisation of certain segments of the agricultural market. The purpose of this work is to carry out a comparative legal analysis of the legislation of Ukraine and Canada in the field of land use, highlighting their common and distinctive features. To achieve this goal, the article used several methodological approaches and methods for research, including functional and theoretical approaches, the method of logical analysis, synthesis method, formal-legal method, method of comparative analysis, method of analysis of scientific literature. After the research, the theoretical and practical principles of this issue were obtained. The first includes the analysis of regulatory frameworks of Ukraine and Canada, and the second analysis of direct methods and approaches used in these countries during land use. Based on the results obtained, differences were formed between the legal basis for the implementation of the above process and revealed positive aspects that would be appropriate to implement in future rule-making activities in this area of Ukrainian legislation. In the further works it is necessary to determine the prospects of the methods on which the current land policy of both countries is based and to identify ways to increase its effectiveness. As for the practical value of the work, it certainly lies in the fact that it identifies the main theoretical aspects related to the implementation of land reform in Ukraine, and thus facilitate the interpretation of certain rules for both ordinary citizens and civil servants
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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