The article is devoted to the study of prospects for the development of legislation on rural green tourism. The urgency of the work is conditioned upon the urgent need for special legislation that would reflect the specific features of rural green tourism and would effectively develop this area to reduce unemployment, overcome poverty, increase incomes of the rural population by intensifying non-agricultural activities. The purpose of the study is to identify possible areas of development of legislation on rural green tourism on the basis of scientific and theoretical analysis of current and future regulations in this area and developments in legal science. The methodological basis of the study was the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, general scientific (formal-logical, method of analysis) and special-legal methods (formal-legal, comparative-legal). As a result of this study, proposals were developed to improve the terminology of legislation in the field of rural tourism. Namely, the necessity of replacing the term “rural green tourism” with the term “rural hospitality” in normative legal acts is justified, the use of the category “rural tourism” exclusively in the sense of one of the types of tourism, the specific feature of which is implementation in rural areas. To increase the effectiveness of legal regulation of rural hospitality, a proposal was made to form special legislation – the Law of Ukraine “On Rural Hospitality in Ukraine”. It has been proved that personal farms are the most potentially attractive subjects for the development of rural hospitality in Ukraine. For the practical implementation of this potential, changes are proposed to Part 1 of Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Peasant Economy” on enabling private farms to use their property to provide rural hospitality services. It is proposed that to clearly distinguish between rural hospitality and rural tourism, the latter should be regulated by the Law of Ukraine “On Tourism” and other regulations in the field of tourism, adopted to implement the provisions of this law. The obtained conclusions can be used in formulating changes to the current legislation of Ukraine, will be useful when working on research on the specific features of the legal regulation of relations in the field of rural hospitality
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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