
Gutsalenko Liubov,Popova Olena


The relevance of the study is determined by the necessity to find ways to improve accounting and analytical support for the management needs of agrarian business enterprises, one of which is the development of a management reporting system that will take into account the specifics of the activity of each economic entity. The study purpose is to deepen the understanding of the essence and management reporting meaning in the conditions of an unstable external environment. The research methodology is based on theoretical developments and scientific tools, which included: critical analysis and systematic approach (when studying the essence of management reporting), comparison method (when studying the main differences between management and financial reporting). The article examines the essence of management reporting and the principles of its formation. A comparative analysis of financial and management reporting was carried out according to the features selected by the author. Attention is focused on the principles of management reporting, the observance of which makes the latter an effective tool for decision-making by enterprise managers. As a result of the conducted research, a proper definition of the concept of "management reporting" was proposed - it is a separate type of internal reporting of the enterprise, which is a complex of interrelated indicators regarding its functioning, the purpose of which is to provide operational information for making strategic and operational management decisions. As a result of the conducted research, a mechanism for organizing the formation of the management reporting system at the enterprise was developed, which involves the implementation of four stages, in particular: improvement of accounting support for the needs of management reporting; development of reporting indicators for management needs; internal regulatory regulation of the management reporting system; debugging software for the needs of the management reporting system. The introduction of proposals into the activities of enterprises will allow organizing a system of management reporting and using its advantages as a tool for planning and controlling the achievement of the goals of the business entity. Prospects for further research will be investigation into the peculiarities of the formation of management reporting at enterprises of the agrarian sector of the economy and the impact of industry specifics on reporting indicators, reporting forms, and the order of its preparation.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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