Thermally conductive cost of the heat-insulating materials


,Spodyniuk N.,Sukholova I.,Dovbush O., , ,


The article presents the results of theoretical research to achieve the maximum effect in determination of the economically feasible level of buildings thermal protection. It must be optimal both thermally and economically, an indicator of which there are the costs. Graphical and analytical dependences are given. The research results substantiate the maximum effect when different thermal insulating materials are used. The aim is to increase the efficiency of energy saving measures, reduce their cost by optimizing the cost of thermal energy and insulating materials, determining the optimization criteria and justification for choice the optimal insulating material and its thickness, and determining the optimal thermal resistance, identifying ways to improve energy efficiency and substantiation of the calculation method. One of the most common thermal renovation measures, namely insulation of external walls, is considered. An economic assessment has been conducted, which is an important factor in a certain energy-saving proposition. The solution of the problem is presented, which includes two stages. The result of the first stage is the selection of the optimal heat-insulating material. The second stage is a substantiation of economically expedient thickness of the heat-insulating material. The obtained results make it possible to increase the efficiency of energy saving in thermal renovation of buildings taking into account both energy and economic aspects. In this paper the results of mathematical provement of such factor importance as the thermally conductive cost of the heat-insulating material at their thickness optimization are presented.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

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