Gai O., ,Bodunov V.,Zhiltsov A., ,
In order to simplify the analysis of the electrical networks operation modes , specialized software tools for mathematical modeling of processes in them are used. There are many software products, but most of them are paid. To carry out research in complex power systems and obtain results in certain sections when performing practical and course work, as well as at certain stages of research, the authors actively use the free software product «Elplek», but in a deeper study of the software encountered certain features some parameters, which differ slightly from the generally accepted domestic method, which led to an error in the calculations in some versions of the schemes of power systems. The purpose of the research is to study the peculiarities of calculating the characteristics of asymmetric short circuits in the software product "Elplek" and to check the adequacy of the formed models. At the first stage, the object of research was chosen – this is a segment of the electrical network containing a small number of nodes and a theoretical calculation of the searched parameters of the short circuit mode in this segment of the electrical network was carried out. In the future, an approach was proposed on the task of parameters of elements in the software product "Elplek" and based on this approach, modeling was carried out as a result of which the results were obtained under the condition of the system's task, as sources of infinite power and calculations for the active part differ by 0.013%, and by reactive – 0.004%; subject to the task of the system, as sources of a certain power and calculations on the active part differ by 0.0046%, and on the jet - 0.0044%, which makes it possible to assert the feasibility of using the proposed approach in the analysis of indicators of emergency modes of complex schemes of electrical supply to consumers of certain segments of electric power systems. Features of calculation of characteristics of asymmetric short circuits in the Elplek software product are considered and the adequacy of the generated models is checked. Key words: power system segment modeling, Elplek software product, element parameter setting, single-phase short-circuit currents
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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