Intelligent control and forecasting system the magnitudes of leakage current electrical equipment for heat treatment and drying installations of grain raw materials


Gerasymenko V., ,


One of the effective technical methods of protection against electric shock for heat treatment and drying of grain raw materials is the use of protective switching devices. The use of more advanced devices, which include a leakage current analyzer, allows you to warn and warn service personnel against electric shock and clearly reflect changes in the insulation strength of electrical equipment. The aim of the study is to analyze the existing protective equipment that operates and provides protection by controlling the magnitude of leakage currents and proposing a technical solution that will provide, in addition to protection based on leakage current control, also early warning of the possibility of insulation thresholds. To provide automated real-time control, a technical solution based on the ATmega microcontroller has been developed. The device includes a zero-sequence current transformer to the terminals of the secondary winding which is connected to a protective unit with a leakage current analyzer. The use of a protective switching device, additionally equipped with a leakage current analyzer unit, will allow monitoring the amount of leakage current, warning and informing service personnel about the appearance of dangerous leakage current in 0.38 kV power supply systems for heat treatment and drying of grain.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

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