Nikolayeva M.,Tereshchenko V.,Tkachenko O.
Modeling the movement of a body along a ballistic trajectory and determining the area of the Earth's surface that a given body can reach is an important task for researchers in various fields. Additional influencing factors – wind and air resistance – complicate calculations. The models are even more difficult to simulate a heterogeneous landscape where there are mountains and depressions and for which adjacent surface sectors have significant elevation differences. In view of this, the development of modeling methods in the specified field, which will be both fast and effective, remains relevant.
The purpose of the study is to describe the structure of the data and the working principles of the model for determining the reachable area of the Earth's surface for a body thrown at an angle to the horizon. The methodological basis of the research is the computer simulation method and general scientific methods.
An approach to modeling the landscape area reachable from a point by ballistic trajectories is proposed. The basis of the approach is to specify the surface in the form of a matrix, the elements of which are objects with fields of height values. A generator of discrete maps for further processing has been created. The method of calculating body launch angles optimal for reaching target points is determined. A mechanism for determining unreachable areas covered by others and a mechanism for taking into account the effect of wind on the result, which do not require long calculations, are proposed. The matrix task of the surface with height differences allows us to talk about the prospects of research - the definition of dangerous areas for the needs of various spheres of activity.
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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