Compliance of fire-protective cellulose-containing materials with environmental safety


Sirko Z., ,Starysh E.,Konovalchuk G.,Tsireny N.,Tsapcko O.,Torchilevskyi D.,Kysyl L.,Parkhomenko V., , , , , , ,


Search for new highly efficient agents for wood fire retardant treatment in the construction has been conducted more and more intensively. But fire retardant treatment nowadays should not only ensure specified fire resistance of wood but preserve its performance as well as ensure its environmental safety and durability. Therefore a significant problem of ensuring vital activities and safe functioning of building facilities lies in the development of intumescent coatings for building structures taking into consideration economical, processing and environmental aspects; these coatings shall be used not only on a par with existing similar ones but be highly efficient in special spheres of construction which makes it possible to prevent occurrence of man-caused accidents. The paper shows results of the studies purposed at raising efficiency of the facilities protection by conversion of the cellulose containing materials used at them to the group of hardly combustible materials; it was revealed that application of appropriate composition converted the wood into hardly combustible material that did not spread flame across its surface and had moderate smoke production ability. Taking into account these fire hazard indices the wood having been subjected to fire retardant treatment as construction material could be allowed for application for the internal lining of rooms including those at the escape routes.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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