Comparative characteristics of restreguating properties of spyrocarbon complex with ambic acid and its components




Synthetic plant growth regulators are the focus of modern agriculture. The environmental safety of such drugs and the emergence of new properties that are not inherent in their original components, open wide opportunities for their practical application. Spirocarbon derivatives belong to this class of chemicals. Phytotesting of the biological properties of the coordination compound of spirocarbon with succinic acid suggested that such a derivative may have a biostimulating effect on the formation of monocotyledonous seedlings. To prove the assumption, changes in the biometric parameters of the model system "monocotyledonous seedlings" under the action of the spectrum of solutions of four drugs were monitored. This spectrum contained a complex of spirocarbon with succinic acid, a mixture of spirocarbon and succinic acid in concentrations of 10-7-10-2 mol / dm3. Studies have shown that the complex of spirocarbon with succinic acid is much more effective in regulating growth than in the mixture of its components. This proves their appearance in the synthesized coordination compound of spirocarbon. The combination of the base substance with succinic acid leads to an increase in the level of these properties not only in spirocarbon, but also in succinic acid. Compared to its constituents, the coordination compound of spirocarbon with succinic acid has new biostimulating properties.They are proven by means of monitoring the biometric growth indicators of the phytotest "monocotyledonous seedlings", which is formed from winter wheat Triticum aestivum L. A complex compound of spirocarbonate and succinic acid is an environmentally friendly drug. It has new biological properties compared to its components. The drug can be recommended for wide practical use in agriculture.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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